I have been busy stitching the last few days but nothing much to show you at the moment. My hand stitching project this week is secret project one (secret in the fact that I don't want to show it here until it's been sent and received
in case I spoil a surprise), but here is a sneaky peek

As I haven't had much
stitchy on here in the last few posts I thought I'd show you the failed
CyberFyber postcard I mentioned the other day. I had planned to use one of the pieces of
Timtex that I dyed
back here. Immediately after it had dried I spotted an unintended shape in the dye and the idea for 'The Crazy Blue Kitty' was born.

I had intended to add some grass and maybe a couple of flowers but something just didn't seem right and when I measured the piece I discovered that its a quarter inch smaller than it should be. So I've given up on this one, though he is kinda cute so I'm sure I will find a way to use him somewhere else. Now for
CyberFyber I will paint another piece and go for an
Inksplat card similar to
these and
Just before I sign off I want to thank everyone who left comments or emailed such nice things about Mark's frog photos he was really pleased to get such positive feedback. I thought I'd share a picture of the daft things that he puts himself through to get his shots.
Hmmm lying on the cold muddy March ground probably not
everyone's idea of fun, I bet you can't guess which muggins ends up with the laundry to do?!