I love to see photos of where other people work. I'm sure many of you read
Quilt Pixie's blog and saw the well organised collection of books, threads and embellishments that were posted recently. Suddenly inspired I thought maybe I would share some pictures of my work room.
Sadly my pictures tell a woeful tale.......

....somewhere under this pile of cross stitch kits a chair is buried ...........

............. if it wasn't so totally covered in stuff this chest would open to reveal some lovely fabrics......................................................................................

.....................Who would be able to find anything in this cupboard (except of course the cat which sticks out like a sore thumb!)......................

................I'm sure my muse would come darting back if only I could get to these books and magazines for some inspiration ....................................................

........................A layer of dust forming on top of my sewing machine I think that says it all ......................................................................................................
If anyone knows of any willing cleaning fairies who would like to pay my workroom a visit please send them my way!!! I have never been a particularly tidy person but this is getting to melt down point! I just need an extra few days a week and I'm sure I'd be able to keep on top of it all!
thanks for visiting the magical mouse studio....
I've enjoyed the visit and expect to be back for frequent nibbles!
I love looking at pictures of where people work, I think I might have posted about it on my main blog (mouse medicine) sometime in the past - and it sounds like it would be a great theme for our 'theme thursday' game!!!
I love the pictures of your studio cats!! I have one main studio cat, a studio mouse and then a couple visiting cats who wander up from the other part of the house (they are generally barred from the studio unless I'm working!)
I wish I knew of some cleaning fairies...I do have some issues...especially when I'm knee deep in a project!! however before I begin a new quilt I always have to make things neat and tidy!
:-) once in a while my studio space gets to that state too, but not too often as I really can't work with too much out... In terms of cleaning faries -- good luck! The going wage is way beyond my means!! :-)
Complete lack of cleaning fairies in this part of the world I fear-think they have all gone into the plumbing business where the wages are great.
One tip though-put work in progress on the top of your sewing machine-then it doesn't get dusty. At least that's my take on it!
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