Apologies in advance if this turns into a bit of a long post about not
alot. I've not been able to get to my computer for a few days so have a few blog things to catch up on. First off the lovely
Maggie has nominated me for this award.
What a lovely surprise this was, after a stressful Monday back at work this really did make my day! I now have to nominate some people to award this too, I know that I've seen this logo on many of the blogs I read already so I will try not to pick people who have already been awarded, but it may take me a few days before I pay it forward.
I've had a busy weekend out enjoying myself, on Friday I went to see my favourite tribute band, Livewire, they play tonnes of wonderful AC/DC covers. I don't know if I've mentioned before that I'm a rock chick, well I guess I'm 'out' now.
Saturday I spent cleaning the house (yawn), got in my daily walk and snapped a picture of this cutie.
I also made some progress on the remaining 'orange' postcards that were on my to do list for last week, more on that later....
Sunday was spent walking on the tow path of the canal near Limpley Stoke, here are a couple of pictures I took of the viaduct which runs nearby. 
Also went to the movies to see the new Tom Hanks film, Charlie Wilson's War. I'm not really a huge fan of political films or of Tom Hanks, but it was a really enjoyable movie and well acted.
Last Week's To Do List
Ok so it's time to 'fess up and see if I managed to complete last weeks to do list
- Pick some fabrics and threads for the TIF challenge - Ok so I manged half of this the fabrics are picked and here is the proof.
- Settle on final idea for JTIF and plan it out - Ok I need a rap on the knuckles for this one as this I totally failed at.
- Make 6 more postcards to complete the orange swap - I have the fronts of 5 done, so 1 more to go and then they all need machine stitched edges.
- Make 3 postcards for the something beginning with I swap - yeah at last something I managed to finish!
- Make a start on my January BQL bag - This I managed to do too.
So I guess over all consider I work full time and now have to cook an evening meal for MIL every day I didn't do too badly on my list. BUT lesson has been learned and I think I will have to be a bit more realistic in future and not set myself such a long list. Actually having a list has helped me a lot and kept me focused on things so I will continue working this way for a while.
This weeks To Do List
Ok so on to my list for this week.
- Finish my 'orange' postcards
- Finish my BQL bag
- Make a start on my doll form for the TIF challenge
- Add one more kitty to the cross stitch UFO
I have quite a busy week ahead, but I do have 2 evenings off from dinner duty so hopefully I will have a bit more me time, let's hope I haven't set myself too much again. I guess we will find out this time next week.