At last something
stitchey. What with being back at work this week and still having to look after MIL who
doesn't seem to be improving much I haven't had much time to squeeze in any stitching this week apart from the odd half hour on the cross stitch.
But I have been working on some postcards today. Remember this?

My quest to find something creative to do even when in the bath. Well it turned into this...

My Something Beginning with K cards. K is for Knitting. I had some problems with the alphabet settings on my machine (now I remember why I don't use it very often, namely because it doesn't work very well!), so they didn't quite turn out as I had hoped in my head but not bad for an experimental idea.

The knitted swatches with that lovely felted wool turned out to be quite bulky so I cut some squares out of the
centre of both the backing fabric and
TimTex middle to inset them a bit. They still stand out a bit from the card though giving an added 3D effect. It will be interesting to see if they make it through the post
I really enjoyed looking at your blog and all the photos of the diverse crafts and things you do. I've put you in my feed list so I won't miss anything! ;) (wink)
Love this postcard!!
Lovely postcard, the texture of the knitting is great. Would look good felted too??
Great postcard. I love the little knit square.
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