With being away at the end of June I didn't get round to doing an update on the Tigers. Here is what they looked like at the of May.

And this is where they are at now. I was trying to get stitching done all around the edge of the design to give me a bit of a frame to work within. I didn't quite get there but not that far off.

I know I was going to work on the Tigers until the end, but plans change and this will be their last outing for a while.

You might have heard me mention that the tigers are a project that my Mum never got round to finishing before she passed away, well that box of Mum's unfinished projects is huge!
My sister has just moved house and has asked me if I will work on another of the UFOs to complete a set that she wants to hang in her house. I'll tell you more about it in a while. I'll miss the tigers but it will be nice to work on somethingg different for a while.
Looking forward to seeing what the next project will be. I still have some of my mum's UFO's here, and it's been 11 years. They will get done eventually
You have my full admiration. It will be fabulous when it's done. Look forward to seeing the new project.
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