Anyway, it's proving to be good in the fact that it's making me have a darn good sort out. In the process of moving my stitch stuff I've been thinking about how I store all my bits and pieces. When I was making a lot of postcards I found it easier to keep everything grouped together by colour, but now I'm wondering about changing it all round so all the buttons are together, all the ribbons, beads etc, but part of me is wondering do I really need to do this or is it just an excuse for me to avoid doing some of the other jobs I'm trying to put off?

This is my 700th post, so if you leave a comment by the end of the week with your suggestions, a way for me to get in touch with you and tell me your favourite colour I'll send you a thank you by way of some bits and pieces from my embellishment boxes.
I tend to store by type but that may be because of the VOLUME that I have! I have a file cabinet of buttons, 3 large plastic bins of yarns, a bin of non-cotton fabric bits, beads in a get the picture. I have too much stuff!
Where does one start Angela---I keep changing mine around depending on what phase I am going through.At present my ribbons are by colour in ziplock bags in a plastic container.My buttons are by colour again in ziplock bags but they are stored in a huge glass jar which adds wonderful colour to my room.Laces are again by colour in ziplock bags in a huge plastic container.
So My answer is obviously ziplock bags-but that's now-who knows what it will be in 3 months time when I can't find something and I start re-arranging again.Not much help am I.
I store by what it is.....I just dont have the time to sort by color.....I probably have the time now, but what I am doing is working for me....good luck with your moving and organizing....
I store mine by type. If I have a large quantity of a certain type (fibres, fabric, etc) I subdivide by colour. And of course things like beads are frequently purchased by colour in the first place, so they are sorted by colour within the bead section...
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