Yesterday bought me the gift of another UFO. While visiting my Nan she said that her friend Evelyn had something she wanted to give me. This something turned out to be an almost finished quilt top.
Evelyn is 91 (though you would definitely not be able to tell) and said that she had started making this top a long time ago out of some fabric from some of her old evening dresses and knew that she would never finish it so would I take it off her hands.

It's very difficult to photograph because a) it's big and b) all the fabrics are shiny and therefore reflect the light a lot.

Of course I couldn't very well say no. But now I have this wonderful quilt top and no idea how to finish it. Basically it needs a border but I don't think cotton would look right with all these shiny fabrics. My immediate thought was maybe velvet but I don't know how I would get on trying to add this when I know it would move around so much in the stitching.
Anyone have any ideas?
Evelyn also gave me a bag of pieced hexagons, the colours and patterns aren't really my taste but I may try and piece them together to make a usable size bag to gift back to Evelyn.

I came back with huge bin liner filled with the quilt, hexagons and lots of other fabric scraps so I will need to have a good rummage through to see whats in there!
Wow, another UFO. And a very interesting one at that. I don't think I've ever seen a quilt made from those types of fabrics. That could be challenging. I wish I could offer some advice, but I'm quite boggled.
Oh wow, that's cool! I like the idea of a velvet border. I thing you would have to hand applique it regardless of what you use. Another option might be silk duppoini - it would be easier to hadn stitch through. Regardless, I can't wait to see it!
I'd add an iron on interfacing to the edge of the quilt, an interfacing to the velvet and then niether will stretch too badly as you try to join them.... What of finishing the quilttop without a border -- simply add a backing and batting and turn right side out, top stitch around the edge, and tie/quilt periodic hexagons? You could do that relatively quilckly and return a completed quilt to Evelyn...
Regardless of what you do I'm sure it'll be wonderful. :-)
It's amazing how many of these hexagon quilts remain unfinished. Have you ever noticed how many pop up on ebay. I've never seen one made in those shiny fabrics though. Good luck with it - seems a shame not to finish it. Quilt pixie's idea is great.
well Im no expert, and i wouldnt know how to actually do what Im suggesting - but i suggest finishing the edge with a narrow strip of black binding- so the edges of the quilt arent 'squared off' but all hexagony. if that makes sense. good luck
I probably wouldnt put a border on it if it is that is really beautiful, lucky you! I think quilt pixie has the right idea......Melinda
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