Sunday, September 29, 2013

My week in snapshots

I've been full of cold this week, which has made me feel a bit grumpy and tired, but I've muddled through and am glad it's Sunday. I always give myself permission to be a bit lazy on a Sunday so today you're most likely to find me dozing on the sofa.  But before that here is my week in pictures.........

Lazy Sunday.  Me knitting, James' feet on my lap.  Can't think of anything I love more.
Cheeky Tuesday night Chinese with a good friend
Drafting up some letter templates for a commission I'm working on
'Firework orange' Yes that really is going on the walls in my bathroom
Shopping at my new favourite food place.  The quality of the meat from their butchers counter is outstanding
I need to work on building my energy levels up after this dratted cold and I need to do it fast, for this week I want to finish my bathroom decorating.  And I have lots of social events dinner out x 2, birthday celebrations and a wedding.  Phew I'm exhausted just thinking about it.

Hope you all have an amazing week.

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