If you've been following my to do lists you might remember that I was running way behind on a doll swap that was happening over at
Artsnthemail. Well I finally got to stitching in the sunshine at the weekend. It all started with a scrap.

A few more scraps, some stitching and embellishments later and a doll finally emerged.

She was quickly followed by two more, here they are all lined up in a row.

Had lots of fun making these, and was left wondering why I hadn't got round to them sooner!!

My faces
definitely some improvement but hopefully they will get better with some practise, I never have been any good at drawing.

They are now all off flying to various parts of the world to their new homes, and I feel so much happier now they are done and I've caught up on my swap commitment.
Wow, Angela, they are brilliant. They look like they were a lot of fun to make, and they will be a delight to receive
Oh how lovely!! They all have so much personality..LOVE them. :-)
What a wonderful use of scraps!!!
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