So a couple of my recent 'out and about' posts have been catch up on bits and pieces done over the last few months that I haven't had time to blog about. There are still a few more catch up posts to come but for now here is something a bit more recent.

A week last Sunday, on an absolutely beautiful day I took a walk around about the village of Box.

It started with a stroll through a beautiful water garden, which looked spectacular in all it's yellow and green finery, water sparkling in the sunshine.

The water theme continued as the walk took me along river banks, with attractive old farm buildings, long since disused, reflecting brilliantly in the calm waters.

And I loved this fishing sign all overgrown with a tangle of ivy and vines.

Then it was a push on up hill, with these adorable little calves to stop and smile at on the way up.

They were all busy chomping away on their lunch apart from this little fellow who had his eye on me, making sure I wasn't up to any mischief I'm sure.

The slog to the top of the hill was well worth it, for the beautiful view back down to Box and the countryside beyond.

The fields were covered with hundreds of dandelions all in various stages of decay.

The route back down hill was via a very pretty little bluebell wood.

It was so tranquil in the wood, not another soul to be seen. I figured that this might have been down to a rather menacing looking green man that I saw along the way.

Can you see him too? He didn't give me any bother and was amenable enough to pose for my photo, I think he was a
softy in disguise. It's so true what they say about looks being deceiving.

Look he even arranged to leave a beautiful blue balloon on the path just for me. :) A fabulous and unexpected gift.
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