I have been pretty bad lately at posting about all of the things that I've been up too so there is a lot to catch up, but thought I'd start with the most recent which was a trip to Bristol this Sunday just gone.
We went to cheer along a friend who was running in the Bristol 10K. The first picture is a quick snap of all the runners lining up to get to the start. I have no idea how many took part but it must have been thousands.
It was a pretty chilly morning so to amuse myself I thought I'd have a go at trying to capture the event in photographs. I've never really taken my camera to a sporting event before and it was a lot harder to get decent pictures than I imagined. The shot above is of the race winner, I hadn't really thought about what I was doing and so it's not good by any stretch of the imagination he appeared and ran by before I had a chance to think about framing a shot.
Had a little more success with this one, which I got by crouching down and sticking my camera through the railings. Still not great though, may be I need to think about cropping it differently or something.
I then had the idea of trying to capture a close in shot of some legs running by. I had lots of attempts at this and none of them were successful, this one was the best of the bunch.

My favourite shot from the 10K is this next one. As I mentioned there were thousands of people taking part, but there were also thousands lining the route cheering, shouting encouragements and clapping the runners on to the finish line.
Before I leave the running, there were plenty of people completing the route in costume, here are a couple of my favourites.
Even though my photographic efforts were poor it was a fun morning and I would definitely go to something like this again, if only to try and get some better photos :)

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