Well that's it done, Christmas is over for another year. We had a very quiet one, just DH and I for most of the day, though we did go round MILs for a few hours to make dinner. Here is a badly taken picture of our Christmas tree complete with pressies underneath.

We had decided not to go over the top with presents for each other this year. I have overspent by miles this last year, mainly in my pursuit of buying more and more stitching stuff, 2008 will have to be belt tightening year! I did get this wonderful book though, the illustrations are wonderful and I'm planning on some quality reading time today so I can have a proper look.
Inevitably this is the time of year we all start thinking about what we want to achieve in the coming 12 months. I'm not even going to look at my aims for this year as I know I will have failed everyone. The last two years have been a nightmare on a personal level so I'm really going to work on making 2008 a positive year.
Rather than setting a whole long list of resolutions that I know I won't be able to keep, I'm setting myself two goals.
1. Walk somewhere everyday. A good excuse to get out in the fresh air even if it's only to the shop and back, and as I am going to try and take a picture everyday to record something on my walk a good excuse to get more photography practise.
2. Make time to create everyday. While I was home alone on Christmas eve I spent some time starting to tidy up my sewing room, too much mess to complete the task in one day, but already I've found loads of UFOs and 'must haves' that I bought and then promptly forgot about or didn't even get round to taking out of the packets. So I'm determined to use some of the damn stuff, most days I'm busy with work and at the moment looking after family but i am vowing to squeeze in some me time even if only 10 minutes a day.
Walk somewhere everyday
Instead of waiting for the new year to begin I've decided to start today. For my walk somewhere everyday challenge I just took a half hour stroll round the block, I have a feeling I will be doing a lot of these and probably in the dark most days so I'm not sure what the photography will be like. Today as I have a day off work it was daylight walking. I went a bit over the top and snapped three pictures.

Here are a couple of the local cuties that I spotted on the estate that I live on, and best of all at the end of a walk what more of a welcoming sight can be seen than this. Home sweet home, a home isn't a home without a kitty in the window! Pip was watching and waiting to say hello.
Create EverydayI started this self challenge yesterday. My Mum was an avid cross stitcher, I have two boxes of half completed projects that I hope to finish for her one day. I thought I was ready to make a start, this day two years ago was her last day with us, but somehow I still can't bring myself to reach out for either of the boxes that are patiently waiting for me high up on a shelf.
Before I started quilting and then expanded into everything stitch I used to do a lot of cross stitch myself, I guess I caught the bug from Mum. i found one of my own half started projects when i was tidying the other day so thought it would be a good thing to take up. Hopefully it will encourage me to dip into Mum's things and cross stitch is also a good thing to do in front of the TV when you can't concentrate on anything else so hopefully it will be a good thing to fall back on for my create everyday challenge. This is my UFO as I found it on Monday.
After a few hours stitching here is what it looks like now.
A close up of the new edition.
I'm not going to show a picture of what the finished piece will look like, co if you don't already know the kit you will be able to watch it grow with me. There is a tonne more stitching to do and I had forgotten how long it takes to cross stitch even a few inches so this is probably not going to be complete until next Christmas!
Wow this has turned into a mammoth post, if you made it to the end thanks for reading. With my new self challenges and a couple of other Internet challenges that I will be taking part in in 2008, I hope it will be a busy and productive year with lots of blogging to come!