Instead I will share a picture of a little cross stitch I did a few years back as this I can fit under the scanner :) I have been having a really good sort out trying to turn our spare bedroom into my craft haven and have been coming across many forgotten treasures. I'm thinking about adding a funky fabric border to this little guy to make a mini wall hanging for the new room.

I'm so excited that DH has agreed to let me take over the room, but I have had to make a few compromises, I wanted to paint the room white, but it's not long been decorated so DH doesn't see the point in doing it again. I also wanted to get some extra plug sockets in the room but I think this will be a long time coming so I'll have to make do with some extension plugs for now. I don't think the room is going to be done anytime soon as I have so much stuff to sort out but it will be great to have my own space when I eventually get finished.
What a cute cross-stitch piece. Finding the forgotten treasures is always a good side benefit of a big clean-up!
What a cute kitty! Hang in there, your room will shape up to be eveything you've hoped for.
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