A week or so ago I was really naughty and decided to treat myself to a new toy. I haven't really had much time to get to grips with it yet, there are so many modes and functions to try out,
definitely more complicated than my old camera.
My old camera did me proud though, its been with me for several years and has captured some of the best times of my life but it was time for a change.
This is one of the first pictures I took with it. I used the 'Aquarium setting which is meant to help you shoot aquatic life with natural tones.

I just loved the silly reflection in this one. I'm looking forward to getting out and about and putting my new toy through its paces. The thing I most love about it so far is that it lets you choose where in the frame you want to focus which is a
definite plus point for a compact. I think I'm going to have lots of fun playing!