The ramblings of an unremarkable, ordinary girl trying to make the best of life in her little corner of the world
Nine Patch Variation
Ohio Star
Log Cabin
Spinning Four Patch
I decided to stick to relatively simple block patterns as I thought this would suit the colour scheme. Here is a picture of my row added to Susan's original row. (Susan's row on top)
Yesterday evening I went to switch my sewing machine on and nothing, zilch, zippo. It just won't power up. I tried changing the fuse still nothing, so it will have to go in for repair.
Had a moment of panic and then decided to breath and get my old machine from it's hiding place at the back of the cupboard. It will take a bit of getting used to as it's really basic, but it will allow me to keep working on some of the things I have in progress until my regular machine is fixed.
Here is something I did managed to get done the other day before the machine failure. A set of postcards for a 'layers' swap. I had loads of fun with these. I tried out a burning technique which I know is old news for many fiber artists but something I'd not tried before. First I tore some strips of cotton, over layed these with some organza and went to town with some loopy FME.
Then it was out with the heat gun (I've had mine for ages from when I used to do a lot of card making and rubber stamping) for some melting fun.
Well you may have figured by now that I love my hand stitching so finally a layer of fly stitch.
I had four cards to make and I made the background all in one and then sliced it up, something else I'd not done before I usually make my cards individually. I think overall I prefer the individual way, but for some techniques like this it really would not make sense to make all the backgrounds one at a time.
Finally I couldn't resist sharing this picture of a part finished card sitting in the window. I love how the light changes the colours in the organza.
I am way ahead on this swap, and haven't done my W's yet but as I knew what I wanted to do and it involved plenty of hand stitching it was the perfect thing to take away with me last week.
Back to work today which I'm not looking forward too, fun things like stitching will take a backseat again, but thankfully I have a few more finishes from my hols to share yet so hopefully enough to keep me going for a few more posts.