Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Flower squares

Well it's been a while but at last some creative content here again! Though don't get too excited it's not much.I've managed to finish four of the sixteen square I'm making for my crochet cushion top. As you can see they have not been blocked out yet, but they all seem to be working out about the same sort of size so I'm happy that I seem to have settled in to a consistent rhythm with my crochet hook. They are still taking quite a while to do I'm finding that I have to keep checking the method for each stitch it's not sinking in yet but I'm sure it will the more I do!


coral-seas said...

They are really pretty and I love the raspberry and white combination.

It will sink in. The hand has its own memory and when you have repeated the action enough times it will become automatic and more fluid.

Sue Krekorian said...

Wow! Well done on all the lovely hooking xxx

Jane said...

These have turned out really well. The pattern will come with practise, and I tend to find some patterns are easier to get than others