I've lived, laughed and cried a whole lot this year and feel like I've learned one heck of a lot.
2010 was the year that taught me that home really is where the heart is and I think my heart has finally found somewhere to rest in contented peace and happiness.
2010 taught me to count life's blessings a little more. I have wonderful family and friends, I am in a happy relationship where I don't have to ask for affection it is given freely and unconditionally. I'm allowed to be my own person, my opinions aren't disregarded and I'm never made to feel stupid, even when I am :) I feel valued as a person and know I am loved. What more could a person ask for.
2010 saw me realise some long ago made dreams and probably the thing I am most proud of this year was getting to the top of Haystacks. OK so it's hardly Everest but for an unfit being like me it may as well have been and it's been something I wanted to do forever.

In 2010 I completed these projects
In 2010 I watched these movies at the cinema
In 2010 I read these books.
I wonder what 2011's list will look like?