Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Z is for ....

As hard as I try to keep things tidy I'm just a naturally messy kind of person, lol! However just recently I have really been trying to put some effort into getting organised. As part of this tidyfest I have started to sort out all of the postcards I've collected over the last few years.
When I first started postcard making I used to make an extra in each swap to keep for myself. However I soon realised that with my collection growing so rapidly I realistically didn't really have the space to keep one each of all the I made as well so that stopped.
As part of my sort out I've come across some of my old cards and will be making every effort to recycle them in up come swaps and maybe some giveaways.
One card in particular jumped out at me. Perfect for the final letter of the alphabet swap that I have been taking part in.
I still haven't made my Y cards yet but while they were in mind I went ahead and made a couple more Zebras, so another swap gets crossed off the list :)

I had to raid my yarn box for the eyelash yarn for the edges and that led me to another project but more about that tomorrow .....


Vicki said...

I like your idea of a Zebra frame for the Zebra. It's quite effective.

Donna said...

wonderful card... its so fun to look back through a collection :-)