We were paired up recently in a fabric scrap swap hosted by Quilt Pixie. Now the idea was to have a scrap swap in December but we got a bit excited and put our packages for each other together straightaway and mine arrived today.
We made up a few rules of our own and decided to swap not only fabrics but some other embellishments too. Here are some of the lovely fabrics I received, too many to have them all showing in one picture.

I was also lucky enough to receive some pieces of silk. I've always been a bit scared to work on lovely silk materials so have never purchased any, no excuse now!

Some lovely beads and buttons.

Some yarns.

And finally a delightful notepad, some candy and a few pressies for my kitties.

Here is a little video of Hector messing around with his new toys. Sorry you have to hold your head sideways for the start. Photos I can handle videos, lets just say I need more practise!!!.