It seems that we are being blessed with another day of beautiful weather here. Rather than waste it Mark and I decided to go for a walk to enjoy the sunshine. Along the way we collected lots of yummy blackberries.

I think maybe I'll make some jam and perhaps a couple of apple and blackberry crumbles. I have it in my head that I might squash a few onto some fabric too just to see how well the colour takes. It might for some interesting results, my hands were certainly a nice shade of purple by the time we were done.
Along the way we managed to pick up this cute fellow. Of course we nicknamed him Blackberry.

We think he probably belongs to the farm that was up the track from where we were walking. He was such a friendly cat and followed us for ages. It was such an unusual pleasure to go for a walk in the sun accompanied by a feline friend. He was definately a fiesty little chap and hissed down a couple of dogs along the way. I think a few people thought we were a bit odd taking our cat for a walk so I had to explain a couple of times that he wasn't actually ours, just keeping us company for a while.
What a cutie he is!
I am jealous of your weather!!!!! Melinda
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