Remember the
Pumpkinheads from last week?

They have all been stuffed and the zombie pumpkin army is on the march.

I have made 11 so far with plans for another 10 or so depending on what time I get. I love them. They are pretty freakish though, they were sat on the table the other night and they looked very menacing in the flickering candle light.
They are a little freaky... but cool!
Fabulous. I know someone that would love those
It's the attack of the mini pumpkins!!!! They are cool.
I'm not sure whether to lean in and go Awwwwwwwwwww or run away going AHHHHHHhhhhh!. :D They're super freaky cute.
Awesome! I want one. hehe Imagine them dress up in wedding gear. Bride & Groom Pumpkinheads. haha Now you've given me an idea for our wedding. lol
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