Hand stitching on my kindle cover continues. I am loving the fabric weaving technique and all the possibilities that it holds. Don't forget you can find all the inspiration for this over on
Jude Hill's blog. As I was putting the basic block together it
occurred to me that all the little squares of fabric were much like chapters in a book, each with it's own little story to tell, a piece of the puzzle. In my mind they have come to represent all of the chapters in all of the books out there that I've yet to read, some of which have yet to be written even.

I thought that stitching some letters in to the chapters/fabrics would be really fitting. One side of the cover is going to be all like the above. The other has a little embellishment.
You know how sometimes you have wonderful treasures that you've held on to for years, just sat there or hidden away, out of sight maybe but not entirely forgotten, waiting to find the perfect home?

This little kitty picture (sorry the photo is refusing to upload the right way!) was sent to me by the very talented
Terri Stegmiller a few years back when we did a little swap of kitty fabrics. As Terri is also the designer of the
kindle pouch pattern, I knew that at last I'd found the perfect project for him.
The covers of my pouch have now been finished, and I have also made one part of the lining for this I'm hoping to get the linings finished and the pouch sewn up today. Of course I'm raiding my blue scraps for the linings of my pouch.

I've cut a piece of scrap muslin to size and am randomly laying out all the tiny odd shaped scraps I've kept on top, it's sort of like putting a puzzle together.

Once I have my base fabric covered I'm using
bondaweb to fuse the pieces in to place.

Then on with the darning foot and I'm securing the pieces with some random looping meandering, nothing too fancy or neat as this will be the inside.

I'm excited to have this almost done. I'm a bit nervous about the finishing though as this has a zip fastening and I've never put in a zip before.
I'm sure it will be very successful. This is going to be a very interesting cover
I love that you used a fabric weaving technique to create your cover. Hope the zipper installation went well for you.
I love all your hand stitching and I'm dying to see what you do with your kitty (I have a soft spot for kitties). I need to get back on track with my blue projects.
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