all the excitement of finishing the kindle cover and the quilt I almost forgot to post a cross stitch up date. You might remember way back at the beginning of the month, me telling you about this new project that I would be working on in January

I have to confess with all the hand stitching going on round here this month, kindle pouch, doodle stitch a long and sewing the quilt binding, the cross stitch hasn't seen the light of day for the last couple of weeks.
Thankfully at the beginning of the month it did get worked on for a while so fair progress has been made.

This is probably about quarter of the picture done. If I hadn't gotten distracted by the other stuff I probably would have been half way through by now,
lol. Anyhow I'm really pleased with how it's coming along and I'm enjoying working with the autumnal colours.
This one is going to be put away through February though as the tigers are coming back out. I'm looking forward to working on them again. I think this rotation thing will work well for me and it'll stop any one of these cross stitch projects from feeling like a long slog.
it looks beautiful, the colors are amazing. I haven't done any kind of hand stitch work in forever, maybe I need to look for my floss...
you've had a very productive month. looking forward to seeing the tigers again
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