I have been slowly working away on the tigers again this month. As a reminder here is where I left off in March

And this is where I'm at now.

A fair amount of progress but not as much as I had hoped, there just doesn't seem to be time to fit in everything I want to do at the moment :) Still the second tiger now has a complete eye and nose and his head is starting to fill out.

It would be nice to try and get the rest of this section filled in in the coming month but I have a tonne of things to sort out at home in preparation for moving house so we'll see.....
Not having enough time for everything seems to be an ongoing problem. Nice to have a proper eye now, and the rest of the head will soon follow
looking good... I know what you mean about not enough hours in the day !
You are getting there! I decided that I want my cat done by September. I am totally sick of working on it.
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