I'm still in a bit of a slump when it comes to anything
stitchy. Not sure why, partly I think because the evenings are lighter and the sun has been shining so I've been wanting to get out more, partly because I have so much 'real life' stuff to sort out as I mentioned in the cat squares post its sapping me a bit. I think the achievements on the To Do List are going to be few and far between come the end of the month.

I have managed some progress on what I wanted to do on the hexagons pillow though. All the rows are now joined together :) I think I'm going to add a small black border as I don't want to loose any parts of the hexagons. The border was the second part of my goal on this for this month, I'm not sure it's going to be achieved as I might need to go buy some fabric as I don't think I have a piece of black big enough, haven't had time to properly measure what I need though so we'll see.
It looks great Angela and I think a black border would look great or even a navy blue one.
The border will certainly show all the colours to their best advantage. Small progress is still progress, so don't get too downhearted
they look amazing...Cant wait to see them done....
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