I had the opportunity to give something back last weekend with a little volunteer work in the woods at a local nature reserve.

Had an absolutely brilliant morning. They let me loose with a saw and I got to chop down some small trees and do some clearance work. Sadly I found this volunteer opportunity too late and this was the last coppicing session of the season. The woods will be left to the wildlife for the summer until wood management work begins again in October. I will definitely go back.

As well as us volunteers with the handsaws, the professionals were in with their chainsaws removing a couple of larger trees.

Of course I couldn't get too close for pictures while the trees were felled, but it was great to have an opportunity to get reasonably close to the action to watch these skilled tree surgeons at work.

It was really amazing to see the amount of sap that came pouring out of the trees as soon as they were felled. Looks like someone smeared a giant creme egg over the stump, lol
Am hoping to go away for a few days next week so I might not be blogging so frequently but I hae scheduled a few posts to pop up to keep things ticking over here.
You had a great day for it, hope you have a good time away this week
it looks like a great day to do this kind of work....good for you!
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