I took myself out for a day in Bath last week, and had a great time visiting sites old and new. My camera was made to work overtime on that day so this will be the first of three installments :)

First stop on my mini tour was the Roman Baths themselves. Even though Bath is only a few miles away and I've been countless times, this is the first time I've actually ventured in to the Baths, shame on me! The picture above shows Bath Abbey and the building on the right is the entrance to the Baths. (This picture was taken using the wide angle function on my new camera, I just love being able to get that much more in to my shots when the
occasion calls for it now).

The first part of the tour of the Baths takes you round a balcony where you can look down over a section of the Baths. And from the spot where I took this photo if you turn round and look over your shoulder you get this magnificent view of the Abbey.

The balcony is home to a number of statues, they are all figures of Roman Governors of Britannia and emperors or other figures with particular connections to Britain.

The tour then takes you down through the museum buildings, which have a whole host of finds from the Baths. You also wander through what would have been part of the courtyard with what remains of the ritual altar. Unfortunately I was so engrossed in looking at everything I forgot to take pictures,

The final part of the tour takes you down to eye level with the main bath.

On the day I visited it was another of those 'all weathers in one day' kind of days, and it was fascinating to see how the different skies changed the appearance of the water. I could have spent hours just sitting and watching!

If the walls could talk I bet that would have a myriad of tales to tell about the goings on on this site from ancient times to the present day.
I absolutely adore Bath. I've been twice and it never disappoints. I am always amazed at the pipes built by the Romans - still there thousand of years later. Thanks for these photos - I want to go back!
Bath was always a day out for me and my mum, but that was before they spent all the money on restoring the baths
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