The ramblings of an unremarkable, ordinary girl trying to make the best of life in her little corner of the world
Sunday, July 29, 2007
My weekend
I thought I'd sneak onto his computer and do a quick post while he is still in dreamland. We were supposed to be camping this weekend but when we got to the campsite that we had planned on it was completely washed out as wee several others in the area that we tried, so we decided to spend just the day and drove home again.
As we'd both booked a couple of days off work we decided it would be a waste to sit around and do nothing so we have finally made a start on sorting out our garden. probably two summers ago we ripped up the existing patio and covered the grass with the intention of making a larger patio area and putting down some pebbles to make it low maintenance (the garden is so small anyway it was a pain dragging out a mower for such a small job each time), well since then it's been languishing away and we didn't get any further forward.
Yesterday we tackled the mammoth job of getting the jungle cleared, I have aches and pains all over today to prove it, today we will hopefully be going to buy all the things we need to install a new deck.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Here is what I have been working on these last couple of days. Yes you've guessed it another set of postcards from my long list of swap commitments that I need to catch up on. The swap theme is rainbows, as it was only a small swap group I decided to indulge myself and spent a lot longer making these cards than perhaps I usually would do. Over 150 tiny scraps individually hand sewn each attached using a bead to secure each.

Since my Mum passed away Rainbows have become an important symbol for me, on many of the important days that have been and gone since she died I have seen rainbows. It might sound daft but I take them as a sign that Mum is smiling on me on those days, so I hope I have done this theme justice.
Sunday, July 22, 2007

Somerset studio I have bought before and have really enjoyed the other issues I've invested in, so far I have had time to have a look through this issue yet but I'm hoping that it will be more of the same.
And my Paperchase purchases....

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Collage in Blue # 1

Collage in Blue # 2

Collage in blue # 3
Have a great weekend everyone!
Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Monday, July 02, 2007
Getting Creative again

Sunday, July 01, 2007
Spirit Doll
Well yesterday Mark and I had a total chill out day. We did something we haven't done since university, stay in bed until mid afternoon, chatting and watching movies. I probably shouldn't admit what a total slob I am but we didn't actually bother getting up until nearly 4pm!I feel like a naught teenager again indulging in some wasted time.
I think the recharge did me good though as I'm feeling totally chilled and in high spirits today. Speaking of spirits I thought I'd share some pictures with you of my doll from the second beaded RR that I have been participating in. She came home to me last week and I adore her. Here is the post which shows what she looked like when she left me. Here she is in all her finished glory.
As you can see some of her sides are totally covered in beads and others are less beaded. I had first thought that I would fill in all the blanks but actually I have come to love her just as she is. I think the different density of beading one each side just makes her even more interesting.
Today I am planning on making some more inroads in clearing out the spare room so that I can finish moving all my craft stuff in and hopefully I will find some time to make a few postcards too I really need to get back into the creative habit to catch up on all that I am behind in.