Well here we are already on the 6th day of the new year and I haven't mentioned anything about resolutions and goals yet. Mostly because I don't really have anything concrete in my mind yet!
I do have a few ideas brewing though. Toward the end of last year I was becoming a bit disillusioned with the creative things that I was doing, but now I realise there wasn't really anything wrong with what I was doing it was just where my head was at, I know now that I was stuck in a bit of a rut so I think I need to challenge myself to tackle some new things this year.
However, that doesn't mean I will be totally throwing out the old, the one thing I do know is that I will be carrying on with Mum's cross stitch UFOs and will also get back to tackling my own pile of miscellaneous UFOs. Starting with Janet's cat which I had promised myself month's ago I would work on.

I will also be cutting back on the postcard swaps. I have lots of books and magazines that I have bought over the years and never got round to playing with the ideas and techniques in them so I will spending time with my books instead of postcard making :) I really want to improve my stitching skills and hopefully this will be the way to do it. I'll be starting by spending a couple of weeks with this book.

I have a few other ideas rumbling round in my head and a couple of challenges that I hope to take part in but I've taken up enough of your time today with my ramblings so I'll chat about those another time.
I like your cat - i immediatelt thought of Janet Boltons work - i bet that is the Janet you are referring to. dont tell me you did a workshop with her - how lucky!
looks like an interesting book... no doubt there's more than one or two ideas lurking behind those pages itching to be set free :-)
THe cat, even in its unfinished stages, brings a smile. Very personable looking... a real character.
For having such a great blog, i tag you,
Take care.
Here are the rules to play the game:
1. When you are tagged you are asked to list eight random facts about yourself and post them on your blog for visitors to enjoy.This is gonna be fun!
2. Tag eight of your blogging friends and leave them a comment that they have been tagged and to join in the fun if they have the opportunity. (If not, that's okay. They can still enjoy the random facts everyone shares:) Be sure to list a link to your eight friends in your posting.
i your blog. I enjoyed your blog posts. I love knittingtoo, but I also do quilting and machine embroidery.
In Dunfanaghy
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