Monday, May 15, 2006

Fabulous felines

I am currently hosting a trade on the FiberArt Traders group called fabulous felines. Everyone who signs up can make up to 9 cards, I am going to try and make all of mine different. Here are the cards I've made so far.

The first is called Cosmic kitties. Using some Laurel Burch print fabric and a pretty night sky background. I made a similar card for donating to AQS earlier this year and had lots of fun making it so thought I'd make another.

This moonlit kitty card is one of my own designs. I used it for a moonlit night card swap a couple of months ago and thought it would be fun to include a few of my own designs in this swap as well as using images from commercial prints.

This card is called the odd couple. It uses commercial prints and has a colourful paw print and mice background. I've used some eyelash yarn around both of the kitties.

The final card that I've made so far is called under the sea again using commercial print fabrics. I knew that I would be hosting this swap soon so I made it at the same time as I made my challenge card for the FGM group a couple of weeks back.

I have lots of ideas for my other 5 cards just need the time to put them together. I have one more swap that I am behind on to catch up with and then I will be ready to work on these again.

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