I've been working on recycling some old postcards of mine that I've had hanging around - some of them for years. The swap I'm in isn't due until the end of June so I've been doing a few at a time. Some of the cards haven't needed anything more than a new backing adding to them others I've played with a bit more. Like this mermaid

This is how she looked, image stamped on to some of my hand dyed fabric. Pretty enough but she just didn't really do it for me anymore. I decided she wanted to be sat in her very own seaweed grotto. So some silk scraps, beads and sequins later she now looks like this.

I like the card so much more now that it has some texture, it was all a bit too plain before.
Another card that has had an overhaul is this one that I made back in 2006 for a daisies swap. This was right back when I first started swapping postcards and I was first getting back in to stitching. (Sorry you'll have to tilt your head for these I
can't get them uploaded the right way)

Anyway this one got shoved under the machine and a bit of free stitching later it now looks like this.

I'm so much happier to be sending out this reworked version, one hundred times better than the original!
Before I go just had to show you this picture of Desperate Dave yesterday. He bought this huge Bison pie to try from the farm on Sunday. It was enormous, reminded me of Desperate Dan and his Cow Pies :) Was tasty though, even I liked it and I don't normally like beef. It had a less fatty and more gamey taste.
I love what you have done to the postcards Angela very cheery.
I love the mermaid stamp, and your hand dyed fabric is the perfect background. I like her both before and after your additions. But the real improvement, for me, is with the flowers. They come to life with your stitching!
Bison pie... now there's a thing!
Me too - I love the embellishments and stitching on both the postcards - what a difference it makes! Thanks for visiting my Blog - seeing Doreen here you must have come over to see me via her Blog - yes?
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