I'm excited to be going on a holiday to the beautiful Lake District in June. Lots of beautiful scenery, fresh air and amazing walking to be had there. I've been so lazy over the winter though and am feeling rather unfit so training starts now.

There aren't really any hills on the scale to be found in the Lakes round where I live, but that's
ok, I need to start on small slopes anyway,
lol. Not too many miles from me near the village of
Cherhill you can take a walk up this hill to visit a white horse that has been carved in to the chalk down.

The climb is a nice gentle one for the most part (but still enough to have me huffing and puffing,

As well as being able to see the white horse (which is a relatively recent edition to the hill being thought to have been first carved in the 1780s) the hill is home to
Oldbury Castle, an iron age hill fort.

Once you get to the top you can wander over, round and in between the ramparts. If you're a big kid like me you can pretend your on patrol, looking out for enemy raiders :)

It's nice to think that after all these hundreds of years the hill is still inhabited. I wonder who lives in a hole like this?

As you get to the top you also have closer views of the horse. The path goes right above him, but from there you can't really see much.

Haven't had a shot of my feet out walking for a while. Oh dear my shoe lace is undone, at the age of 33 I still haven't mastered the science of shoe tying yet. ;)