Thursday, February 08, 2007


My cold developed nicely overnight to the point where I found it very difficult to sleep so I've decided to take the day off work as I really don't think I could concentrate on doing a decent job at the office today. As I was awake most of the night it did mean I got to sit and watch some of the snow fall which was lovely. A few minutes after my Mum passed away it started to snow, only a little flurry but I'll always think of her each time it snows now.

I really wanted to go out and run around in the fresh snow but it was way to cold and dark and if any of the neighbours saw me that would have just confirmed their suspicions that I'm off my trolley! Here is the view from the front bedroom window of our little close after the sun had come up.Predictably the snow seems to have caused lots of travel problems, I guess it must have been a lot worse in other parts of the country, maybe it's as good a day as any to feel ill and be staying at home.


Alis Clair said...

Oh real snow! Don't get much here on the coast and when we do it lasts for the wonderful time of approx 5 mins.
Ah well we don't get many travel problems so everything has a good side!
Hugs, Alis

Vi said...

Oh wow it SNOWED! How Lovely. :-)
It's good to be off our trolleys now and then. hehehe Hope you feel better soon! Hugs.