Friday, May 11, 2012

Waterlily cushion

My first crochet project seems to be a long time in the making but it's finally getting there.  I really enjoy sitting with yarn and hook, but somehow I just haven't found the time to concentrate on it for any length of time.  But not to worry, working in fits and starts does lead to results eventually and all my waterlily squares for a cushion front are now finished.
I need to make myself a board or something so I can get the squares blocked before they are joined together, but if you can ignore the curly edges and all the loose ends I think you can get the idea of what this will look like.
I spent a while thinking about what I wanted to do for the back of the cushion, and have finally settled on the idea of making one crocheted piece.  There is a way to go to make it big enough but it's a nice thing to work on while sat in front of the TV.
One lesson learned though is think a project through to the end before you start.  To make the back I needed to get another skein of yarn.  Unfortunately I haven't been able to get a skein from the same dye batch ... it's been quite a few months since I bought the original one ..... you can probably see that the top one is slightly darker than the bottom, but I don't think it's going to matter too much for the back.  Something to think about for next time though.

I already have the next few crochet projects planned out, but I'm determined to finish one thing at a time .... for a change ;)


Jane said...

Oh wow, that's going to be beautiful. You should be proud of it

Unknown said...

I think it is going to look great...when someone else makes anything. I can always see the big not so much.

Anonymous said...


Thankd for your kind comment on my blog.

Your squares are looking lovely, they will make a lovely cushion. You have so,e pretty stitching too.
Happy weekend.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely gorgeous water lilies. our cushion will be a treasure.
I agree with you about planning ahead the quantity of yarn or thread that will be needed for the whole project. I got it wrong... twice (see my post dated 10/05/12).
Crochet has a very soothing effect on me, when watching TV or just listening to the radio. It is good to keep the mind and hands busy.

Vi said...

It looks Lovely. Good on you!! :-)

Sarah said...

I very impressed by your crochet. Im still trying to master the art, but am now where near as good as you at it!