Sunday, May 13, 2012

Crochet continues

I still haven't managed to block the waterlily squares but progress is being made on the cushion back.  You can see the difference in colour between the dye lots of the yarn, but it isn't bothering me as much as I thought it might.

I'm getting excited by the prospect that my first proper crochet project night actually get finished in the not too distant future....fingers crossed.


Quilting By Celia said...

Hi Angela, I really love what you have done !Crochet is such fun and so forgiving ... wish I had more time to resume doing more projects.

Anonymous said...

the different shade just adds beauty to the whole background.
I like Celia's comment in saying that crochet is 'forgiving'. I never thought that way. I learn and am inspired by something new everyday.

Anonymous said...

It's looking great and the different colour just blends in.
Good luck in finishing!