I haven't been entirely uncrafty though, there has been stitching, crochet and machining going on here at Angelcat manor, I just need to find some time to blog about it. For now here is a quick shot of the elephants which have been multiplying!
The ramblings of an unremarkable, ordinary girl trying to make the best of life in her little corner of the world
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Quiet and Busy
I know I've been super quiet here recently, there is just so much going on, but I haven't abandoned you all :) I've just been super busy.
I haven't been entirely uncrafty though, there has been stitching, crochet and machining going on here at Angelcat manor, I just need to find some time to blog about it. For now here is a quick shot of the elephants which have been multiplying!
Hopefully I'll be able to show you what they have been made for soon.
I haven't been entirely uncrafty though, there has been stitching, crochet and machining going on here at Angelcat manor, I just need to find some time to blog about it. For now here is a quick shot of the elephants which have been multiplying!
Monday, July 25, 2011
I'm Scraphappy Again
Friday, July 22, 2011
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Life is really busy at the moment hence the fact that I haven't posted for almost a week. Am rushed off my feet at work and home with barely time to think.
Had a super fabulous weekend with family last weekend which is always manic but lots of fun.
I introduced my eldest nephew to the fabulousness of Tim Burton, he loved all the strange and quirky stories and anything that gets him reading has to be good right? Here he is with Dave trying to look intelligent.
As you can see from the picture above we had some fun with a bit of old fashioned 3D and some paper glasses
We were watching Final Destination 3D, the movie was pants and so was the 3D in these things, but we looked funny :)
Of course I have to also share a picture of my youngest nephew looking super cute as 'Balloon Boy'
He's growing up so fast. My sister and the boys are coming to stay for a week next month and I can't wait to have them here creating mayhem and trashing my house!! :)
Had a super fabulous weekend with family last weekend which is always manic but lots of fun.
I introduced my eldest nephew to the fabulousness of Tim Burton, he loved all the strange and quirky stories and anything that gets him reading has to be good right? Here he is with Dave trying to look intelligent.
Of course I have to also share a picture of my youngest nephew looking super cute as 'Balloon Boy'
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Pay It Forward
I recently entered a Pay It forward over at Wendy's blog So does anyone want to join in the fun and sign up with me here?
I need three people who want to receive something hand made from me. As part of the PIF, you then have to send something handmade to 3 other people sometime in the next 12 months.
If you want to sign up and join in the Pay It Forward Fun just leave a comment and make sure that I have someway to contact you, so if you are a no reply blogger please leave your email address.
I need three people who want to receive something hand made from me. As part of the PIF, you then have to send something handmade to 3 other people sometime in the next 12 months.
If you want to sign up and join in the Pay It Forward Fun just leave a comment and make sure that I have someway to contact you, so if you are a no reply blogger please leave your email address.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Recycled and Reused
There are more postcards to come soon though as I signed up for a 'Going Places' swap with 3CS
It's a small swap but I'm having trouble narrowing down my ideas as soon as I settle on one another pops in to my head. I need to get to work soon though so I think I'm just going to have to pick one and run with it!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
What grows in your garden?
Monday, July 11, 2011
Flowers in the Garden
For anyone who might have been wondering exactly what it was that I was crocheting up a mountain in my post the other day. It was one of these.
I've been making lots of middles for my water lily blocks. You might remember back here I was making tryout blocks for an idea for a throw. Well I've scrapped the throw idea and I'm just going to make a water lily cushion for now. I have another throw plan but I'm not going to start until these babies are finished! (Well at least that's what I keep telling myself, I am widely known for my total lack of will power though!)
Anyhow these middles are all done so I just have to get to making the outer rounds now to finish the blocks up.
Saturday, July 09, 2011
Today I fell in love with an Alpaca
... ok if I'm being totally honest it's not just one but a whole herd that stole my heart today when I went on a visit to Latton Alpacas. I mean seriously look at this and then try and tell me you don't think they're adorable too.
I was made to feel so welcome during my visit. These animals are obviously well loved and cared for and the owners, Mym and Adrian were so generous with their time and their knowledge as I bombarded them with questions.
I was lucky enough to be allowed in with the alpacas for a while and got to feed a few from my hands, honestly you wouldn't believe how soft their fleeces are. If you haven't already passed out from cuteness overload check out this adorable little girl.
If I'm remembering correctly she is about 10 days old and her name was Keira, but there were so many names to take in I might be wrong!
All of the adult alpacas have recently been shorn, they have a little craft shop which is open over the weekends where they sell all manor of alpaca goodies. Including some fleeces and yarn made from the boys and girls in the herd.
Of course I wasn't able to resist coming away with a few goodies myself! I ended up with this beautifully presented kit to make some wrist warmers.
And also this little drop spindle spinning kit, and the most adorable hedgehog pincushion.
I've not tried spinning before so it will be interesting to see if I can get the hang of it.
If you live anywhere near Cricklade/Swindon/Malmesbury I would so encourage you to go along and make a visit yourself. You can find out more info on the website here or facebook here. They do have mail order if you want to buy any of the goodies yourself just have a look round on the website :)
All of the adult alpacas have recently been shorn, they have a little craft shop which is open over the weekends where they sell all manor of alpaca goodies. Including some fleeces and yarn made from the boys and girls in the herd.
If you live anywhere near Cricklade/Swindon/Malmesbury I would so encourage you to go along and make a visit yourself. You can find out more info on the website here or facebook here. They do have mail order if you want to buy any of the goodies yourself just have a look round on the website :)
Wednesday, July 06, 2011
Extreme Crochet
A trip to the Lakes doesn't just mean lots of lovely walking, it's also time for me to participate in some extreme crafting :) Last year saw me knitting in windy conditions at Wast Water.
This year saw me perching precariously on a pile of rocks complete with crochet in hand at the top of Pavey Ark.
Another one of me acting silly for the camera much to the bemusement of some other walkers that were also around trying to enjoy the spectacular summit views........
.... the things I do to amuse you my lovely loyal blog readers :) I wouldn't have the excuse to be half as silly without you. THANK YOU. X
This year saw me perching precariously on a pile of rocks complete with crochet in hand at the top of Pavey Ark.
Lakes and Tarns
Well of course you can't go to the Lake District without stumbling across a lake or two. Though to be fair this year we mostly stayed within the few miles of the valley our cottage was in so we didn't take in many this time. Anyhow here are a few shots of the waters we did see.
Blea Tarn with Side Pike in the background
Tuesday, July 05, 2011
Machining Again
Things are a bit quiet over here at the moment I know. The reason is mainly this
Meet Beatrice. The lovely man in my life, fed up with me moping round the house waiting for Jemimah to be repaired bought me this lovely little machine to keep my going for a while. She's pretty basic but she stitches like a dream.
Now I'm madly trying to catch up on the seven weeks of city and guilds that I've not been doing. So if you're missing me, you can catch up with what I'm up to over here ;-)
Now I'm madly trying to catch up on the seven weeks of city and guilds that I've not been doing. So if you're missing me, you can catch up with what I'm up to over here ;-)
Sunday, July 03, 2011
Birds Eye View
I didn't get round to doing my usual cross stitch update before the month of June was out so here it is now.
Just a reminder this is what the new project looked like when I picked it up.
And this is the now.
Not quite as much progress as I had hoped considering I didn't have a sewing machine but I also had a generally busy month and a week off on my holiday so I guess I shouldn't beat myself up too much.
Just a reminder this is what the new project looked like when I picked it up.
Friday, July 01, 2011
July Already
I had a fabulous June, but unfortunately not where my to do list was concerned :)
Way too many reds and oranges in that list for my liking, hopefully July will be better, though looking at the calendar we are busy every weekend in July which will limit stitching time a bit. Never mind there are still goals to be set
- Work on new cross stitch - Yes I did manage to do this one (picture to follow soon)
- Participate in the Rainbow Scrap Challenge - Due to my sewing machine malfunction I only managed to get fabrics cut for the chequerboard blocks and nothing else
- Finish Second PIF gift - No, due to sewing machine
- Make the Granny Squares in to a cushion - I did actually manage to get these sewn together but again not made up in to a cushion because of the machine
- Finish last 3 postcards for the swap - No, again machine
- Keep working on the new crochet blocks to see if I can figure out a throw - I have kept going with the blocks but I've abandoned the idea of a throw and will be making another cushion with the blocks I'm doing (picture to follow soon), but there will be a throw in my future
- Work on City and Guilds chapter six. - No machine no c&G
Way too many reds and oranges in that list for my liking, hopefully July will be better, though looking at the calendar we are busy every weekend in July which will limit stitching time a bit. Never mind there are still goals to be set
- Work on Lakeside Farm
- Continue working up crochet blocks for the new cushion
- Participate in 3cs challenge
- Participate in Rainbow scrap challenge
- Finish 3 postcards for open swap
- Make 5 postcards for 3CS swap
- Make 2nd PIF gift
- Finish Chapter Seven for c&g
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