Honestly I really do not know where the time is going to at the moment, even though the evenings are getting lighter the days seem to be getting shorter! Another week has gone by and I don't have much progress to show for it.
I have, though, spent a wonderful few hours today and yesterday in the company of other stitchers, so talking stitch has made up for my lack of progress on anything.
Yesterday I met up for the first time with
Threadspider a blogger who also lives in
Chippenham (isn't it funny how the blogging world connects us with people both near and far!). We had a lovely lunch and a good chat about our interests and the projects we are working on and I am very much looking forward to meeting up again next week. Here is a quick snap of the beautiful bunch of tulips that were gifted to me.

And here is a quick shot of the one bit of stitching that I did manage to complete this week an
ATC, I made for
Threadspider inspired by her recent visit to
Cricklade's North Meadow

Today was a meeting of the Great Western Embroiderers which is always a lot of fun. We had Louise Watson as our guest speaker who was talking to us about sketchbooks. I've always been a big admirer of people who can work this way but my lack of drawing ability and fear of the blank page have always prevented me for having a go. Louise will be leading a sketchbooks workshop for us this weekend so hopefully this will give me a bit more confidence to start using them.
I just had to share a picture of the great badge that Shirley stitched for all of us committee members to wear. My machine is not one designed for embroidery so it always fascinates me to see things made from digitising designs.

As for my to do list for the week well I managed to only complete one thing which was the kitty added to the cross stitch. A few of the other things are in progress but nothing worth sharing a picture of yet. Here is my list for the coming week lets hope I get somethings ticked off this time!
- Finish N postcards
- Start O postcards
- Start April bag
- Make ATC for Anna's challenge
There are a few more things I'd like to add to the list but Saturday will be all day at the workshop so Sunday will probably be and out and about photography day with dh, so again I'm not really sure how much I will be able to get done.