I don't think that this qualifies as a masterpiece by any stretch of the imagination but I don't think it's too bad considering it's my first attempt at paper collage.

The ramblings of an unremarkable, ordinary girl trying to make the best of life in her little corner of the world
As you can see the package was full of delicious fabrics and embellishments in my favourite colours of the moment orange and pink. It was all crammed into the delightful little tin that you can see in the picture, gift wrapped in fabric with the cutest christmas kitty tag.
I also received a surprise 'just because' package from Flicsha a wonderful lady who I have the good fortune of swapping with on several of the postcard groups I belong to. She sent me some fun fabric and ribbon plus the most wonderful hand made pin cushion. What a delight to receive such a wonderful surprise!
I've joined a new group recently to feed my new found interest in altered art. They have a monthly swap there where you decorate an envelope and fill it full of paper crafting goodies. I received a wonderful oriental inspired envelop from Elizabeth this week, packed full of wonderful papers.
Well actually I'm sure sure if I'll end up being able to call it a proper collage as to me it should have a few more layers before it can be said to be a real collage. Basically I started with a piece of canvas board which I painted with white gesso. I then took some burnt sienna acrylic paint and rubbed this over the top with a paper towel. I then added some copper acrylic for a slight sheen and on top of that rubbed in some oil pastels in various brown shades. When these layers of paint had dryed a bit I scratched back into the surface with the end of a pair of scissors. Over the top I have stuck various images and text mainly from WWI propoganda posters and finally wrapped some small pieces of jewellery wire together in which I hope looks like some imitation barbed wire to frame some of the edges of the board.
I'm thinking my next step will be to add some randomly stamped text to the exposed background and hopefully that will finish the piece off.
I decided to cheat and make a flamingo silhouette, so here is my 'Flamingo at sunset' Actually I had a lot of fun making this in the end. I used some of the wonderful orange fabrics that Harriett sent me in my secret sister package for the sky, horizon and water. Added some free motion stitching to try and emulate the ripple effect of water and beaded round the setting sun for a little bit of added sparkle. Finally finishing off with a lace edge just to soften it all up abit.
I haven't actually fixed this page in the book yet. I have to make two sides to complete the page and will wait and see what my other effort turns out like before I decide which is going to be the front and which will be the back, lol!