I have been working on a few swaps over the last few weeks since christmas and I am almost up to date here are the results.

I made three sets of Kitty blocks for a swap and have had so much fun making these critters. The fairy cat and kitten in mitten both are patterns from books. I designed the more abstract hexagon kitty myself. I really love english paper piecing, this was the first technique I learnt. So the hexagon kitty gave me a chance to work with some small pieces as the blocks are 6.5".
My favourite is definately the fairy cat, which I adapted from a tree ornament pattern I found in a magazine.

I am also working on a four elements swap and so far have made my blocks for earth and fire. The earth blocks are appliqued with button hole stitch and the fire blocks are made using the cathedral window block. Cathedral windows is my favourite patchwork design. It's very time consuming but I love the effects that you can get with it so it's definately worth it.
I still have water and air to go. I'm using crazy patchwork for my water blocks, they are nearly done so a picture will come soon. I still haven't decided what to do for my air blocks yet. I'd better get a move on as the blocks are due soon. Any suggestions gratefully recieved!!

Finally I also participated in a Valentines swap. If you haven't already guessed from the blog pink is one of my favourite colours at the moment so I couldn't resist this swap!.
I've adapted a design from Kumiko Sudo's folded flowers book (which I would highly recommend to anyone who likes folded patchwork!) to make a valentine rose. The sampler block is the forest paths pattern which I love, this one give me the chance to practise some points on machine piecing. I need lots more practice still can't get them all accurate, sigh.