Ok now I am probably starting to bore you with all this beading..... but I shall forge on regardless. As I am behind with everything at the moment I had a total of three lovely mermaids staying with me.
Sirena from yesterday is now on the next leg of her journey so it was time to tackle the next beauty belonging to Noel today.
Ok I am going to shock you all now by saying that the orange beading is not mine! This is how she came to me. I just love the way the other ladies have beaded her front so I decided again to tackle something on the back. Before starting on the back though I added a silver bead to each strand of her hair, I think you can just about pick this up in the pictures.

My contribution this time was again on the doll's tail. Granted my colour choices this time are not so zingy as for Sirena but I tried to concentrate more on texture than colour this time.

Here is a closeup. I really had trouble picking out my colours so I decided to divide the area up into three and tried to progress the colours across the tail, pink moving into purple then blue. I can't really think how to explain what I mean but I got the effect I wanted anyway, maybe the blues could have done with being a bit darker but she is done now. I used lots of different sizes and shapes of beads, stacked some up and stitched some down tightly to create bunching etc to try and add some texture. I don't think the picture really shows the effect too well.
I have one more doll to work on and then I will have fulfilled all my commitment in both of the beaded doll
RR's that I signed up for. The last one is going to be the hardest because the beading that has been done so far is quite scattered so I have no defined area to work but I'm hoping to get her done in the next couple of days. As these robins are drawing to a close I'm getting excited to see what my dolls will look like when they get home!